When changing your dog or cats diet, your pet may experience symptoms called "DETOX".
Your dog or cat is a carnivore, a meat eater and most of the commercial diets you have been feeding are cereal grains, corn, rice, wheat and oats that are difficult for them to digest. Now you are going to start feeding a fresh food, and a "natural" diet BARF. Feeding raw need trust and faith from the owner. We will explain why.
During the transition and for a short time period afterwards, you may notice that your pet may exhibit symptoms such as loose stools, vomiting, ear wax, or diarrhea may be exhibited during this period. All pets react differently to the new diet depending on their age, health. Your pet's symptoms may range from non-existent, to mild to severe. These reactions are the body's way of getting rid of all the toxins and non-digestible stuff in the body.
Do not be alarmed if you notice some or all of these things happening to your pet at first. This is a classic example of Detox. The body is healing itself from the inside out. Once the detoxifying process is concluded, these symptoms will disappear and you will have a healthier, happier pet. The symptoms should not last more than 2 weeks, provided your pet is relatively disease-free at the beginning.
Pets with histories of health related problems may experience longer episodes of detox. If these detoxification symptoms should persist or become violently worse it is important to seek the help of your holistic veterinarian or your nutritional consultant. There are many holistic and herbal products that can assist in this process. 

Please do take note that do not seek help or get consult from individual who do not practice holistic healing process for animal, they will never understand this healing episode and most probably might just recommend some artificial medicine to temporary stop this detoxification process. Which we guaranteed will be a bad choice and interrupt the entire mighty healing process. This is why we said you need to have trust and faith in raw feeding at first, gives time and allow nature to do his work. Only seek advice from the correct candidates. 
During the detox time, it is also important to bathe your pet. Bathing is a good way to clean the skin and wash the toxins away. Use a soap and detergent free-shampoo and remember to rinse very well.
During this period, it is recommended that a probiotic supplement be added this product aids in the digestion of the new foods you are feeding, alleviating some of the detox symptoms if necessary.
Always keep fresh, pure drinking water.


Malnutrition and the toxic condition of the animal fed commercial diets can result in the inability to digest and assimilate basic food components of the fresher, more wholesome type we are describing here. The body will sometimes expel these accumulated poisons during periods of diarrhea, hair loss, or scaling of skin. These periods are known as Healing Episodes after you started BARF feeding.
During these Healing Episodes, the animal's immune system continues to react to remaining toxins and poisons until a gentler, balanced diet can complete the transition to a more resilient internal state.
These periods, during which time the animal can have diarrhea, loss of some of its coat, and appear transiently sick, are really signs of a more vital life force finally shedding disease more completely. The situation is an important sign indicating a transitioning to a state of greater wellness.
The frequency, intensity and duration a Healing Episode is totally dependent on the individual animal's health, nutritional state, age and breed. Each animal will react differently during the transitioning to a more nutritious healthier diet. Not always will there be signs of purification.
We can rest assured that as long as the animal is clear eyed, bright and full of energy of life, these periods (should there be any) will quickly pass and the need for medical intervention is almost never.
The detox process is going to be much more stressful to you as the owner than your pet. Finding professional or lay support that understands the process of Healing Episodes will help make the transition for the owner easier and less filled with fear and doubt. Just do not forget to get the ‘right’ kind of help like we just explained earlier.
The body is designed to heal itself. You just need to give it the tools (varied nutritional components). The natural order of animals is to fast a day on a regular basis, it gives the body a chance to cleanse itself. When your pet exhibits the symptoms described above, this is perfectly natural and normal as the body has to eliminate the toxins, chemicals, and inappropriate ingredients that are put into foods for no other reason than profit. The system are eliminating the harmful ingredients that are stuck in the body naturally. Give it times.

"Nutrition is not about one meal, but rather the cumulative assimilation of a lifetime of meals.
The goal is a healthier animal for life - not for a day"

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