BARF vs Kibbles (Dry Food)

The Teeth Structure
Humans are omnivores and dogs are carnivores. We are not suppose to share the same diet. Kibble content mostly starch, that's actually more suitable for human because it's hard for pet to digest.

Carbohydrate Free
Kibble are full of starch, because they need starch to hold on to all the things. BARF are 100% grains free and without starch, it's very easy for pet to absorb & digest.

Coloring & Preservatives
Another key points on BARF are 0% artificial contents, grain free. Basically doesn't content any ingredients that can harm our pets. Unlike those high addictive, flavoring & preservatives that found in kibble which harm pet's health and age them quick!

Freshness That U Can See
Without high heated process like kibble, BARF do not damage live enzymes and maintain food nutrition properly. Which allows pet to absorb better! Can you see any meat is that biscuit? But you will see everything in BARF.

Make The Right Decision
BARF are designed for pet's well-being. Kibble are created for human's convenient. Think carefully, who on earth willing to eat biscuit for the rest of their life right?